▍本週焦點戰役 Match of the week [MFA U10 White vs 熱血寂鋒 | 北區勝利聯賽 Victory League] 2025.1.19 16:00 上週日的焦點之戰,MFA U10白隊再度展現了他們不可撼動的實力!面對排名第二的熱血寂鋒,他們憑藉出色的團隊配合和精準的進攻,以6:1的比分贏下比賽,穩穩守住小組榜首的位置! Evan 本場比賽狀態火熱,獨進三球完成帽子戲法!他無論是在禁區內的冷靜射門,還是積極跑動創造機會,都為球隊的勝利立下了汗馬功勞。除了Evan的精彩發揮,後場大將Jason也在防守上擔任了球隊指揮官,在進攻時趁勝追擊,在防守時穩定軍心。整支球隊的表現十分亮眼,他們在防守端展現出了銅牆鐵壁般的堅韌,同時在進攻端多點開花,讓對手防不勝防。這場勝利是我們奮鬥路上的一個里程碑,但我們的目標不止於此!每一場比賽都是成長的契機,期待接下來的挑戰中,U10白隊能夠持續進步,再創佳績! In last Sunday's top of the table clash, MFA U10 White once again demonstrated their indomitable prowess! Facing the second-placed 熱血寂鋒, they secured a 6:1 victory with outstanding teamwork and precision offense, firmly maintaining their position at the top of the group. Evan was on fire this match, netting three goals to complete a hat-trick! Whether with calm finishes inside the box or his relentless movement to create opportunities, he was instrumental in the team's victory. Alongside Evan’s stellar performance, defensive leader Jason commanded the backline with authority. He not only spearheaded counterattacks but also brought stability to the defense when under pressure. The entire team shone brightly, exhibiting a rock-solid defense that resembled an impenetrable fortress while their multi-pronged offense left the opponents struggling to cope. This victory marks a milestone on our journey, but our ambitions go far beyond this point! Every match is an opportunity to grow, and we eagerly look forward to the challenges ahead as the U10 White team continues to improve and achieve even greater success! 合作夥伴 Our Partners: Volkswagen Rangers FC SKLZ 中保無限+ #TeamMFA #MOTW
▍本週焦點戰役 Match of the week [MFA U10 White vs 熱血寂鋒 | 北區勝利聯賽 Victory League] 2025.1.19 16:00 🔥 本場比賽是小組排名第一與第二的強強對決!即使熱血寂鋒贏下比賽,他們只能在積分上追平,但由於淨勝球差距,MFA U10白隊仍將穩居榜首。讓我們一起為MFA白隊加油,力爭延續他們的領先地位! 🔥 It’s a battle at the top! Even with a win, 熱血寂鋒 can only draw level on points but will remain 2nd due to goal difference. Let’s rally behind our team to keep their top spot secure! 合作夥伴 Our Partners: Volkswagen Rangers FC SKLZ 中保無限+ #TeamMFA #MOTW
我們很高興地宣布,格拉斯哥流浪者隊將於今夏重返台北,舉辦兩個梯次,為期一週的訓練營! 訓練營將在北投的福斯足球場舉行,由來自格拉斯哥精英青少年與青年培訓學院的流浪者教練主導。除了訓練營之外,在星期六晚上還將舉辦一個針對球員和家長的研討會,討論如何最好地支持孩子在足球方面的成長之路。 所有詳細信息可在以下簡報中查看,我們希望您的孩子能夠參加。 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PHX4cYhhx0mtPStstxR3gJLX6z4ZCM4c/view?usp=sharing We are happy to announce that Glasgow Rangers will be returning to Taipei this summer to run two, week long camps! The camps will take place at the Volkswagen Football Park in Beitou and will be led by Rangers coaches from the elite junior and youth academies in Glasgow. In addition to the camp there will be a seminar for both sets of players and parents on the Saturday evening to discuss how best to support your child's journey in football. All the details can be seen in the following presentation and we hope your child is able to make it; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lqmEcDSP4diaK_MmYNkmyJEbzPMkKhZj/view?usp=sharing
3v3 IGNITE: Powered by Volkswagen 賽事開放報名! 3v3 IGNITE: Powered by Volkswagen 福斯三人制足球賽足球賽事將於2月8日至9日在MFA北投福斯足球場隆重舉行!這是一場專為展現足球技術與團隊合作精神的賽事,吸引足球愛好者參與。此次賽事秉持快速、創意與競爭的核心精神,將帶來獨特且精彩的比賽體驗。無論是U6的幼童還是U12準備步入國中階段的球員,3v3 IGNITE都將成為足球愛好者一展身手且享受足球的絕佳平台。 賽事資訊 - 日期:2025年2月8日(六)至2月9日(日) - 地點:MFA北投足球場 - 賽事簡報: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PiOaSJnNq0ax-tN1X51iWHHVsmj-_QaF/view?usp=sharing 賽制規則 - 每隊由3名球員上場(可報名最多6人)。 - 比賽採快速節奏,每場比賽15分鐘不換場。 - 無守門員設置。 - 每隊保證參與六場比賽。 - 完整規則將於賽事前提供給確認參賽的隊伍。 分組 - U6- 2018年9月1日或以後出生 - U8- 2016年9月1日或以後出生 - U10- 2014年9月1日或以後出生 - U12- 2012年9月1日或以後出生 報名詳情 - 報名費用:每隊NT$2,000。 - 報名截止日期:2025年1月24日。 - 報名方式:填寫線上報名表單。 https://forms.gle/PLpuFeqaFWWzZH1D9 - 如果各組別報名隊伍不滿16支隊伍,則該組別將取消辦理。 不要錯過這場激動人心的賽事——報名3v3 IGNITE,讓你的球隊點燃賽場激情! 3v3 IGNITE: Powered by Volkswagen Registration Now Open! The 3v3 IGNITE: Powered by Volkswagen is set to take place on February 8-9 at the Volkswagen Park in Beitou! This event is designed to showcase football skills and teamwork, attracting football enthusiasts to participate. With a core spirit of speed, creativity, and competition, this tournament promises a unique and exciting experience. Whether it's U6 toddlers or U12 players, 3v3 IGNITE provides an excellent platform for football lovers to shine and enjoy the beautiful game. Tournament Information - Date: Saturday (U6,U8), February 8th – Sunday (U10,U12), - February 9, 2025 - Location: Volkswagen Park, Beitou Game Rules - Each team consists of 3 players on the field (teams can register up to 6 players). - Fast-paced matches, with each game lasting 15 minutes without a halftime break. - No goalkeepers. - Each team is guaranteed to play six matches. - The complete rules will be provided to confirmed participating teams before the tournament. Divisions - U6: Born on or after September 1, 2018 - U8: Born on or after September 1, 2016 - U10: Born on or after September 1, 2014 - U12: Born on or after September 1, 2012 Registration Details - Fee: NT$2,000 per team - Deadline: January 24, 2025 - How to Register: Complete the online registration form https://forms.gle/PLpuFeqaFWWzZH1D9 - If 16 teams does not register for a category, the competition will not proceed Don't miss out on this thrilling event—join us at 3v3 IGNITE and let your team light up the field!
▍MFA Inside Training ▍JSSL Training 2025年的到來,代表著新年度的賽事即將登場!球員們積極著備戰接下來的多個盃賽,一起來看他們今天練球中的精彩表現吧!⚽ The arrival of 2025 marks the start of an exciting new season of competitions! Our players are gearing up for multiple upcoming tournaments. Let’s take a look at their impressive moments during training! ⚽ 合作夥伴 Our Partners: Volkswagen Rangers FC SKLZ 中保無限+ #TeamMFA
▍本週焦點戰役 Match of the week [MFA U6 vs A Star | 北區勝利聯賽 Victory League] 2025.1.5 09:00 🎉 MFA U6 勝利報告 | 榮耀之戰告捷! 今天的焦點戰役,我們的 MFA U6 小球星們在對陣 A Star 的比賽中以精彩的表現贏得了勝利!💥⚽ 從開場哨聲響起的那一刻,孩子們就展現了絕佳的團隊合作與拼搏精神。每一個傳球、每一次射門,都充滿了專注與自信。他們不僅守住了防線,更抓住了關鍵機會,用行動證明了自己!🌟 這場勝利屬於所有努力的孩子們,也屬於為他們加油打氣的家長和教練團隊!👏 期待他們在接下來的比賽中繼續努力,創造更多的精彩!
▍本週焦點戰役 Match of the week [MFA U6 vs A Star | 北區勝利聯賽 Victory League] 2025.1.5 09:00 準備好迎接最萌的對決了嗎?這週的焦點戰役由我們的 MFA U6 小球星們迎戰 A Star!💥 這不僅僅是一場比賽,更是小球員們展現成長與團結的舞台。從基本動作到全隊配合,每一刻都充滿熱血與感動。 歡迎所有家長、朋友和足球愛好者來到現場,一起為他們加油喝采,共同見證這場小小英雄們的榮耀之戰!👏 Are you ready for the cutest showdown of the week? This week's match of the week features our MFA U6 little stars taking on A Star! 💥 This is more than just a game—it's a stage for our young players to showcase their growth and teamwork. From mastering the basics to full-team coordination, every moment is filled with passion and inspiration. We warmly invite all parents, friends, and football enthusiasts to join us at the field, cheer for the players, and witness these young heroes in their glorious battle! 👏 合作夥伴 Our Partners: Volkswagen Rangers FC SKLZ 中保無限+ #TeamMFA #MatchOfTheWeek
我們的兩支隊伍在十二月初前往泰國,參加了來自亞洲各地眾多隊伍共同競爭的曼谷超級盃。 這個週末非常愉快,所有參賽的球員都努力拼搏,展現了出色的技術和對比賽的深刻理解。 感謝那些同行的家長們,他們在場邊提供了如此棒的支持,我們期待下一次的比賽! 以下是這次旅程的精華影片:https://drive.google.com/file/d/191zbZBfM9pjmxBy69-nRip1VzYu9IgiV/view?usp=sharing Two of our teams traveled to Thailand at the start of December to compete in the Bangkok Supercup along with lots of other teams from around Asia. The weekend proved to be very enjoyable and all the players that traveled worked hard and demonstrated some great skill and game understanding. Thanks to the fantastic parents that made the trip and provided such great support on the sidelines and we look forward to the next one! Here is a highlight video of the trip; https://drive.google.com/file/d/191zbZBfM9pjmxBy69-nRip1VzYu9IgiV/view?usp=sharing
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