▍2024全國學童盃 上週末(11/30-12/1) MFA U10前往台中朝馬足球場征戰2024全國學童盃,經過兩天的賽事後,拿下4連勝的成績,確定晉級四年級組的全國八強! 八強預告: 12/7(六) 13:00 vs 小不老足球俱樂部 @朝馬A2 讓我們一起為MFA U10加油,期待他們在接下來的比賽中再創佳績! ▍2024 National Student Cup Last weekend (11/30-12/1), MFA U10 competed at the 2024 National Student Cup held at Chaoma Football Field in Taichung. After two days of matches, the team achieved four consecutive victories and successfully advanced to the national top eight in the fourth-grade division! Quarterfinal Preview: 12/7 Sat 13:00 vs 小不老足球俱樂部 @朝馬A2 Let’s cheer for MFA U10 and look forward to their continued success in the upcoming matches! 圖片來源:熱血少年
▍2024 上週各項賽事比賽結果 上週MFA的代表隊參加了很多比賽,以下為各個代表隊的比賽結果! 恭喜 MFA U9 拿下曼谷超級盃第12名的成績! 恭喜 MFA U11 拿下曼谷超級盃的Bowl Champion! ▍2024 Match Week Results Last weekend MFA teams participated in many competition, below are all the results! Congratulations to MFA U9 for getting 12th place in the Bangkok Super Cup! Congratulations to MFA U11 for getting bowl champion in the Bangkok Super Cup!
在上個週末,Master Football Academy 的 U9 和 U11 隊伍參加了在曼谷舉行的 Bangkok Supercup,該賽事於星期六和星期日進行。兩支隊伍的球員展示了他們不斷成長的技能和團隊合作能力,整個比賽中表現出色。 祝賀所有的球員,並衷心感謝那群支持我們隊伍的出色父母! During the past weekend, Master Football Academy's U9 and U11 teams took part in the Bangkok Supercup which ran over Saturday and Sunday. The players from both teams highlighted their growing skills and teamwork and competed well throughout. Well done to all the players and a big thank you to the fantastic group of parents that supported our teams so amazingly!
這個週末,我們的 U9 和 U11 隊伍將前往曼谷參加「曼谷國際超級杯」,與來自亞洲各地的眾多俱樂部競爭。這場比賽不僅將帶給年輕球員極大的樂趣,還有助於他們在成為更優秀球員的道路上前進。祝各隊伍好運! This weekend our U9 and U11 teams travel to Bangkok to compete in the ‘Bangkok International Supercup’ with lots of other clubs from across Asia. The tournament promises to be a great time for the youngsters and will not only be enjoyable but will help them on their path to becoming better players. Good luck to the teams!
【Weekly Match Schedule】- Nov. 30th & Dec. 1st 本週賽程如下, 學童盃 U13發展聯賽 新北草地足球聯賽 請大家進場幫MFA加油! This weekend's match schedule is shown below, including CTFA Student Cup U13 Development League NTCFL please come cheer the MFA teams on!
❄️ 2025 MFA冬令營熱烈報名中!❄️ 🏆 這是你提升足球技術、挑戰自我的最佳機會!無論你是初學者或是有經驗的球員,MFA冬令營都能幫助你進步! 📅 營隊日期: 2025年2月3-7號 📍 地點: 北投福斯足球場 📝 報名開始: 即日起至 2024年12月31日止 💥 早鳥優惠: 12月15日前報名並完成繳費手續,即可獲得$500折扣! 🧑🏫 專業教練團隊: 符合國際資格的教練團隊,提供專業指導! ⚽ 營隊內容: 包括技術訓練、戰術學習、實戰演練等,讓你全面提升! 別等到最後一刻!名額有限,趕快報名吧! 🔗 立即報名:https://forms.gle/VmCF28z8wqS13Ns28 ❄️ 2025 MFA Winter Camp Registration Now Open! ❄️ 🏆 This is your best opportunity to improve your football skills and challenge yourself! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, the MFA Winter Camp will help you progress and unlock your full potential! 📅 Camp Dates: February 3rd-7th, 2025 📍 Location: Volkswagen Football Park, Beitou 📝 Registration Deadline: December 31, 2024 💥 Early Bird Discount: Register and pay by December 15th to receive a $500nt discount! 🧑🏫 Professional Coaching Team: Our coaches are internationally certified and will provide expert guidance! ⚽ Camp Content: Includes technical training, tactical learning, and practical exercises to help you improve all aspects of your game! Limited spots available—don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! 🔗 Register Now: https://forms.gle/VmCF28z8wqS13Ns28
▍MFA Inside Training ▍TDP U11 White Training This week, coach Gerardo lead the players to do some passing and posession drills, and also played a friendly game against the U11 Red team at the end of the session!
電話:(02)2894-9169 (聯絡時間 週一至週五9:00至17:00,例假日除外)
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